Intravenous Light Therapy

Since its beginnings in the Soviet Union in the early 1980s, laser therapy and specifically intravenous laser therapy, has come on far. It is now an established technique, often used for a variety of otherwise therapy-resistant illnesses. Amongst other things, it leads to a strengthening of the immune system, improvements to metabolism, and overall energising effects in patients.

  Which areas can be treated with Intravenous Light Therapy

There are a great variety of conditions that have been successfully treated using light therapy, and it is widely used for sportspeople and athletes. Sports injuries cause trauma and damage to soft tissue cells, which in turn release chemicals that provoke a natural inflammatory response in the body which typically manifests itself as swelling and pain in the affected area. Where such trauma to soft tissue is recurring and leads to frequent or persistent inflammation, this can precipitate early-onset arthritis or other degenerative changes in their joints.
In sportspeople, we see benefits including:
⦁ Reduction in short-term inflammation and acceleration of pain relief and recovery
⦁ Reduces the risk of arthritis which can result from sports injuries
⦁ Positive influence on therapy-resistant pain syndromes
⦁ Improved sleep patterns, mood and general performance
⦁ Reduction of the need for other medication
⦁ Strengthening of the patient’s immune system
⦁ Reduced incidence and severity of depression and burn-out
⦁ Successful treatment of other conditions, including fibromyalgia, tinnitus and rheumatism

What does Intravenous Light Therapy involve?

There are four different laser wavelengths (colours) that can be administered, and each has a different application; Red helps with cellular regeneration and stimulating the immune system, yellow light stimulates the production of vitamin D and a serotonin effect, green light encourages greater oxygen uptake, and blue has a cooling effect on the body and has anti-inflammatory effects.
The lights are administered individually to the blood cells via a cannula into the patient’s vein. Each wavelength is administered for about 10 minutes each and is applied using very low power levels of 1 – 3 mW. This is done through the use of a UVLrx station, a machine specifically designed to trigger the production of light. Typically we suggest treatments take place 3 – 5 times per week, with a total of up to 10 treatments.
The treatment is carried out and administered by a registered doctor or nurse. No anaesthetic is required, and there is no post-treatment downtime.

Are there any side effects?

There are no significant, known side effects of intravenous light therapy treatment. However, as with any area where the skin is broken (through the insertion of the cannula), there is a small risk of infection. Therefore, we advise that the area is kept clean and dry for the period immediately after treatment until it has healed over.

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