Exercises for Shoulder Pain


Your shoulder should start to feel better within 6 to 12 weeks if you do the simple exercises on the following pages. These have been recommended by the UK’s leading shoulder physiotherapists and proven to reduce pain and improve your shoulder.This booklet will show you how to do them within the comfort of your home. You can also watch videos of how to do these daily exercises on the following website. (www.bess.org.uk). You may only be able to move your arm a small amount at the start but this will improve over time. A small increase in pain while exercising is ok as long as it goes away within 30 minutes and is not worse the next day. If this happens, don’t worry, do less repetitions the next time and then gradually build up again. It may take 6 weeks before you start to see improvement. If your shoulder does not improve over 6-12 weeks, or gets worse despite the exercises, you will need to visit your doctor again.

Getting the most out of your exercises

The key to success and getting the most from your exercises are: -Build the exercises into your daily routine so you can do them regularly. -Find time when you are not under pressure and can give the exercises your full attention. -Try to do the exercises on six days each week with one day off. If you want to get better, you will need to do them on at least four days of the week. -You don’t have to do all three exercises straight away – you can start with two and build in the third when you get confident. -It helps to keep an exercise diary to record how many repetitions you have done and see how you are progressing. -If one particular movement causes more pain, then use it each week to test if you are improving and getting better.

Exercise One: Wall slides

Find a smooth wall or wall mirror and a cloth that will slide easily on the wall (or put clean socks on your hands). Stand facing the wall. Place the edges of your hands against the wall with your thumbs facing you. Now step forward as you gently push into the wall and slide your hands up as far as you can. Relax and return to start position. • Repeat 8 times • Rest for a minute • Repeat 8 times • Rest for a minute • Repeat 8 times. When you can do this exercise easily you can progress by doing it without the support of the wall and adding a light weight.

Exercise Two: Push-ups against a wall

Now put your hands on the wall as if you are going to do a push-up. Make sure your hands are placed a little wider than the width of your shoulders, your hands are turned out slightly and your elbows are below your shoulders. Now lower your body towards the wall keeping your body nice and tall. • Repeat this 8 times • Rest for a minute • Repeat 8 times • Rest for a minute • Repeat 8 times. When you can do this exercise easily you can progress and increase load by moving your feet further from the wall.

Exercise Three: Shoulder rotation

Sit next to a table with your elbow supported just below shoulder height on a rolled up towel. Now make a gentle fist, keep your elbow bent and then rotate your forearm to point upwards. Return to the start position and relax. Make sure you sit up tall whilst you do this. When it is easy for you to do this you can add a light weight – start with half kilo or a small 500ml water bottle. As the exercise gets easier you can increase the weight.

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