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Hand injury

Hand injury What are hand injuries? There are many different types of hand injuries, most of which occur due to trauma,…

Trigger Finger / Thumb

Trigger Finger / Thumb What is it? Trigger finger is a condition that causes pain, stiffness, and a sensation of…

Ganglion cyst 

Ganglion Cyst  What is a ganglion cyst? A ganglion cyst is a benign but painful growth, usually on the hand…

Mucous Cyst

A mucous cyst is a sac filled with fluid that appears on the finger above the joint located next to the nail…

Metacarpal fractures

Metacarpal fractures Also known as Boxer’s fractures. Who does it affect and why does it occur? Metacarpal fractures often occur…

Hand Fractures

Hand Fractures A hand fracture is a break in one of the bones in the hand. This includes the small…

Mallet Finger

Mallet Finger Mallet finger is an injury to the end of your finger that causes it to bend inwards towards your…

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Hand Pain and stiffness

Hand Pain and stiffness Types of Hand Pain & SymptomsPain in the hand is a very common symptom reported by…

Finger joint replacement

Finger joint replacement Finger joint replacements are most commonly performed at the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) and metacarpal interphalangeal joint…

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