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Hand therapy

Hand therapy is an integral part of our patient’s care, and Prof Imam works closely with many therapists. 

A Hand Therapist is an Occupational Therapist or a Physiotherapist who has specialised through advanced study and experience the treatment of conditions affecting the hand and upper limb. 

You may have your therapist, either an Occupational therapist or a Physiotherapist. If this is the case, Prof Imam will work closely with them to facilitate a rehabilitation program to suit your needs. 

You must check that your therapist is “Chartered”, as this ensures they have had appropriate training.

The Hand Therapist liaises closely with the patient’s consultant to provide consistency and complementary care. The treatment can often start within days of the injury or surgery and last until the patient can return to full function.

The Hand Therapist can assess and treat various post-operative/post-injury or preventative and non-operative conditions.

Treatments may include:
– Assistance in the reduction of oedema 
– Management of scars(raised/swollen or hypersensitive) 
– Desensitisation following nerve injury 
– Sensory education following nerve injury 
– Treatment of chronic regional pain syndrome 
– Exercise programmes to increase range of movement and strength 
– Manufacture bespoke splints to aid recovery/correct deformity or protection during the post-operative phase of healing 
– Assessment of activities of daily living and work pacing 
– Pre-operative assessment /advice and counselling